To stay cool when running, 'wear your water'

As track and field events heat up London's Olympic Stadium on Friday, it's likely runners are getting inspired to ramp up their summer workouts. How to stay cool in sizzling temps? Wear your water, says fitness blog FitSugar.

On Thursday, FitSugar shared three techniques for keeping cool when the temperatures soar.

Wet your head: Before your run, take a cold shower to cool your skin. Soak your hair, leave it dripping wet and either comb it back or wear it in a tight bun. For short hair, wear a wet bandana instead. Also, tote along some extra water to splash on your head as you run.

Ice sock: While FitSugar says that athletes such as Olympic marathoner Deena Kastor wear an ice vest before competing, you can lower your body temperature with a nylon over-the-calf sock. Fill it with ice, tie the open end in a knot, and wear it around your neck, tucking its end into your shirt or sports bra.

Frozen towel: Soak a thin, lightweight hand towel, ring out the excess water, and lay it flat in the freezer for at least an hour. Before your run, wrap it around your neck and secure it with safety pins. "Granted, it's not the most attractive accessory, but it sure will keep you cool," adds FitSugar.

But don't forget to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you and take sips every five or ten minutes. "Wear light, breathable layers, shorten your workouts, and run during the coolest times of the day -- usually in the early morning or late at night," adds FitSugar.