Running in sizzling heat? Here's what to know

If summer has inspired you to ramp up your running program, on Wednesday fitness blog FitSugar shared three things to watch out for before lacing up and heading outdoors.

Dehydration: On hot days, drink not just after your run but throughout the day to stay well hydrated before running. Try carrying a water bottle and take sips every five or ten minutes, or run in parks with plenty of water fountains nearby. Feel light-headed? Head indoors and drink water right away, says FitSugar.

Heat exhaustion: Be aware of the warning signs of heat exhaustion: heavy sweating, moist skin with goosebumps, faintness, dizziness, fatigue, a weak or rapid pulse, muscle cramps, nausea, and a headache. To prevent heat exhaustion from happening, avoid exercising on days when the mercury rises and opt for a gym workout or a swim.

Still determined to run? "Wear light, breathable layers, shorten your workouts, and run during the coolest times of the day -- usually in the early morning or late at night," adds FitSugar. "You might also benefit from taking a cold shower before your run and heading out with a wet head wrapped in a bandana that's dipped in ice water."

Blisters: Hot, sweaty runs increase your chance of uncomfortable blisters. Your best protection is to slip on a pair of clean, dry-wicking socks, writes FitSugar. Also be sure to fully air dry your shoes before your next workout.