Creators of 'The Sims,' 'Monkey Island,' 'Halo,' 'Gears' speak in Critical Path interviews

Over 120 bite-size clips from the designers of games such as The Sims, Civilization, Disney's Epic Mickey and
World of Warcraft are being held for public perusal at the recently launched Critical Path documentary website.

"33% of Americans identify computer and video games as their favorite entertainment activity, far surpassing movies and television. But unlike television and movies, game makers are relatively unknown," reveals Critical Path's press statement.

"Critical Path aims to lift the veil and acquaint the world more closely with designers shaping the medium that is rapidly transforming art, entertainment, communication, even education."

There are clips from Rhianna Pratchett on humor and storytelling (Rhianna being a writer on Prince of Persia and Mirror's Edge and daughter of fantasy author Terry Pratchett), Will Wright, creator of The Sims and its predecessor SimCity, Kelle Santiago of Journey and Flower, talking about her approach to power fantasies, and Susan Wu, founder of female-friendly Facebook MMO City of Eternals.

Also among the designers featured are Cliff Bleszinksi (Gears of War), Joseph Staten (Halo), Sid Meier (Civilization), Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear Solid), Tim Schafer (Secret of Monkey Island, Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster), and David Cage (Heavy Rain).

Critical Path's interview clips are amid a new crop of documentary projects that include Indie Game: The Movie as well as in-development projects Us and the Game Industry and Minecraft: The Movie.

Official website: