Ambush Q&A with his past, his plans, and the stuff he’s been listening to

Yahoo OMG ran into hanging with the metal band Slapshock, whom he signed to his Jeepney label. We wheedled answers to a few questions.
What are your plans after “The Voice of the Philippines”?
“I’m just decompressing right now. I need some time to think about (signing on to the next season). I have no definite answer.”
Why did you fly to Zamboanga?
“I’m a peace ambassador and my contribution is to bring a new opportunity to a place like Zamboanga. With opportunity comes prosperity and with prosperity
comes peace. I just want to give the youth in Zamboanga that opportunity. Maybe it’ll lessen the conflict that’s going on there right now.”
apl joined the ground-breaking ceremonies to build a new public school. It’s the first project to be funded by apl’s collaboration with Red Ribbon’s macaroons for a cause campaign and Franklin Baker Co., makers of desiccated coconut products.
Why are you flying back to Los Angeles this week?
He’s laying the groundwork for the recording sessions of Pinoy metal band Slapshock in the famed Paramount Studios. The band is the first signing to apl’s Manila-based Jeepney label. The mission of his fledgling label is to discover home-grown talents and get them ready for the world’s stage. He’s keeping his sights even closer to home.
“After Slapshock, I’d like to work with some of my Team Apl protégés. I think Jessica Reynoso has the look and uniqueness to be our Alicia Keys. It’s just
a matter of planning it out.”
apl hopes to finish his solo album soon. Late September, the first single, Going Out”, off the album has been released on iTunes and made available first in the Philippines.
Why are you working with the Department of Tourism?
While the Black Eyed Peas is on hiatus, apl is doing a new video for the Department of Tourism called “Balikbayan.” It will take him around the country and will be used to promote the Philippines especially to US-based Filipino-Americans who have yet to see their other roots.
“It’s my way of encouraging Filipino-Americans to go back to their home country. Some of them don’t really know where they came from. We’ll be showcasing
how beautiful the Philippines is to entice more Fil-Ams to learn about and go back to their roots.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
“To be either an engineer or a nurse.”
Your inspiration for making music?
“Life, my family. What got me started though was break dancing. It got expanded with me wanting to make my own music.”
What excites or turns you off about today’s music?
“Right now, I am really in love with dance music. I also like emotional, touching music. I like everything about today’s music so long as it’s not
Do you miss anything about the music of the past?
“My mom used to listen to Asin back in the day. That’s where the ‘Apl Song’ came from. I miss songs like ‘Balita.’ It’s a powerful song and it speaks of social consciousness. That’s the kind of song I kinda miss.”
Aside from Asin, who else do you love?
“Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley, old school hiphop, Tribe Called Quest, Jungle Brothers, Boogie Down Productions; Florante, too.”
What’s on your player?
“I’ve been listening to Bruno Mars. I like his latest album a lot. And since I’m making my own album, I am listening to my own songs. What needs to be
Read more OMG music stories: to fly Slapshock to US to record EP
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