Super Junior, ‘Taste of Korea’ on YouTube

The Korean Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries have a delicious surprise for Super Junior fans. They recently uploaded videos featuring three members of Super Junior discussing their favorite Korean foods. As Yahoo! OMG! Philippines reported earlier, Super Junior has been selected as honorary ambassadors for Korean cuisine.

The Ministry, through their official YouTube Channel "Taste of Korea" uploaded three videos featuring Super Junior members Siwon, Shindong, and Eun Hyuk. In order to reach a wider audience, the videos were subbed in English, Chinese and Vietnamese.

Shindong recommends "Osam Bulgogi"

Super Junior dancer Shindong recommends the "Osam Bulgogi", a squid dish that has meat cooked in a spicy sauce. With a huge smile on his face, Shindong shows the audience the shining appearance and inviting texture of the dish. He even asked the other Super Junior members to show enthusiasm about the dish.

Siwon's childhood favorite "Pajeon"

Super Junior singer and "walking monument" Siwon talks about one of his childhood favorites—"Pajeon" or Scallion Pancake. As Siwon eats a piece of pajeon, the dish conjures up warm memories of childhood. He recalls rainy afternoons of his youth when his mom will prepare this traditional Korean dish for him.

Eun Hyuk "Chapchae" eating style

Super Junior dancer and rapper Eun Hyuk shows how to eat the popular Korean noodle dish Chapchae/Japchae. Using a pair of chopsticks, Eun Hyuk feeds Super Junior leader Lee Teuk a generous serving of the delicious dish. Not to forget his sense of humor, Eun Hyuk initiates a "Chapchae/Japchae" song as other members of Super Junior sings along.

With Super Junior members sharing "Korea's Delicious Secret", I am sure fans will not shy away from trying Korean food. The videos will not stop with these dishes, though, as "Taste of Korea" will be uploading videos featuring other Super Junior members including Lee Teuk's "Spicy Rice Cakes (Teokbokki)", Heechul's "Beef Bulgogi", Ryeowook and Kyuhyun's "Bibimbap", Donghae's "Tofu Stew", and Yesung's "Chicken Gangjeong" so stayed tuned.